


Update: All pre-preorders have been shipped!

My new AWOOGA t-shirts had their debut at Eurofurence. So here is your chance to order one for the next reprint and shipping. I’ll collect orders until September 19th, then order the reprint (estimated time: end of September).

Pre-order form (closed)

The AWOOGA design is available in blue and in red on black clothing. If you would like to get one, please fill out this form (update: leftover shirts are available on

Orders can of course be combined with other items (like my FOXES Artbook or other items like prints – see Thank you so much for your interest!

New: FOXES Artbook

My first full color Artbook “FOXES! Foxes everywhere!” is now available. :)

Thanks so much for your pre-orders! I received the books from the printer.
I am currently processing all orders (this will take some days). :)

If you want to order my FOXES Artbook, they are now available in the BlackPaw Shop.

The Artbook comes with a glossy hardcover and 60 full color pages (200g heavy paper), featuring all kind of my foxes artwork. It includes finished full color pictures, digital and traditional, colored sketches, images done for merchandise, and more.

• Book size 28 x 21 cm
• Hardcover with glossy finish
• 60 full color pages
• Printed on heavy 200g/qm paper
• Extra: You will get 1 exclusive print with each book

Thank you so much for your support!
💙 TaniDaReal

XP-PEN Pen Display Review

I received an XP-PEN Artist 12 pen display for testing. So far I always had Wacom graphic tablets, so it was very interesting to test a different brand here. The Artist 12 is the smallest of their pen displays (buttons and backside are plastic), which is perfect for beginning artists or if you’re on a budget.

You can find more feedback here in the graphic tablet section. I also made a little review video:

Valentine YCH auction

I am offering three Valentines YCH auctions – you can find all information and bid here on FurAffinity:

Auction ends: Saturday, February 19 at 21:00 / 09:00 pm CET.

New Design: Musky Husky

Here is my first design 2022 – a happy Musky Husky! Not to be mistaken for his counterpart, the Masky Husky, being a good boy and wearing a mask.

Musky Husky:

🛒 My RedBubble Shop
🛒 My Shop (USA)
🛒 My Shop (Europe)

Masky Husky:

🛒 My RedBubble Shop
🛒 My Shop (USA)
🛒 My Shop (Europe)

New MyLinks page

I have added a MyLinks page which lists all my galleries and account in one place:

YCH Christmas commissions

I did some last minute Christmas YCH (your character here) commissions on December 21, which I announced on my Twitter (@TaniDaReal), email newsletter and Telegram news channel. This time I offered them on Twitter, first come, first claimed. However I will offer artwork in different ways, so if you’re interested, please keep an eye on Twitter and my Telegram channel.

Here are the finished pictures:

Merry Christmas!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a nice, safe and joyful time with your loved ones!

My Mum always made a hot punch for Christmas, with red wine, fresh orange juice and black tea.
I want to share this family recipe with you – you can find it here:

New Art Calendar 2022

Just in time for the approaching new year – here is my new Art Calendar for 2022! :)
Coming with 12 colorful pictures to brighten up your months.

For more previews and a video sneak preview, please click the image:

Shipping situation

During the pandemic, the shipping situation changed several times. Shipping to Germany and Europe works all fine again. I also ship to United Kingdom, however thanks to Brexit, there will be additional fees / taxes for you to pay (I don’t have any influence on that).

Shipping situation update for USA / outside EU:
Good news: Smaller / cheaper packages (Päckchen) are available again! However they have no priority, so shipping times can take up to 60 days (or longer, for example in the Western part of the USA). It does not have to take that long, but it can. If you want a faster delivery, you can go for DHL Premium package (c), which is more expensive.

  • a) Regular DHL pacel/package (including insurance up to 50 EUR and tracking). No priority, they say shipping time can take up to 60 days (or longer).
  • b) Regular DHL package (without insurance or tracking). No priority, they say shipping time can take up to 60 days.
  • c) Regular DHL Premium package (including insurance up to 500 EUR and tracking), shipped via airmail (regular / faster delivery times).